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Name:Lea Chapin
Company:Celestial Connections/Inspiration from Spirit
Title:MS Ed
Address:338 East Losey Street, Galesburg IL 61401
Country:United States of America
Phone No:7273020437
Cell No:7275803016
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Lea Chapin
PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT: Can Spiritual Healing & Channeled Guidance Work for You?
Reverend Lea Chapin has always been dedicated to helping others, whether in her psychotherapy practice or as a licensed massage therapist or any of a number of other undertakings she has pursued in service to others. Most recently, she has expressed her amazing gifts as an author, speaker, and teacher of Divine wisdom.

On March 21, 1993, Lea had an experience that would change her life forever - and open up her abilities to help others at an even more profound level. On that day, during a Reiki session when hands were placed on her head, she received the first message from Spirit, given to her by her own loving spiritual guide and mentor, named Grand. Suddenly, on that day, she was fully clairaudient, clairvoyant, clairsentient, and claircognizant. It came on all at once, as if a divine switch had just turned on. She has been able to channel messages from Spirit ever since.

Lea lovingly applies her gifts to the sharing of wisdom from the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Realms, and many other universal beings of the highest love and light. She is considered a versatile channel for Spirit. Her psychotherapy practice evolved into a spiritual counseling practice where her own expertise was further enhanced by the powerful Divine inspiration she receives.

Lea has authored, The Twelve Mastery Teachings of Christ—Jesus Christ Reveals the True Essence of His Teachings, available in paperback and in audio book through her website and on Amazon in paperback and as an ebook. Lea authored a metaphysical article entitled, Mother Earth’s Gift to Humanity: An Awakened Heart that was published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence in November 2009. She has also produced a number of CD’s including:  Kryon—Imagine A World Filled With Peace; The Blessed Mother—An Evening in Chicago; The Twelve Mastery Teachings of Christ;  In Search of the Goddess Within; 2012 Transformational Event—Ramu, The Atlantean Crystal Speaks (a DVD). Lea published her second book, Divine Union: The Love Story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene in March 2017. It is available on paperback, ebook and audiobook on Amazon and through her website, 

Contact Lea today!
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